"Wildfire" is a gripping documentary film that delves into the aftermath of a devastating 16-day wildfire in the Nepali mid-hills.
"BLOCKADE" is a powerful documentary film from 2016 that offers a close-up view of the impact of a political blockade on Nepal.
"Travel is Plus Plus" is a 2018 film that celebrates the innate human curiosity and the spirit of exploration through captivating visuals and storytelling.
Unhappy with the provisions of Nepal’s first republican constitution, drafted by the people’s representatives in September 2015
"Wildfire" is a gripping documentary film that delves into the aftermath of a devastating 16-day wildfire in the Nepali mid-hills. It highlights the plight of a displaced red panda, shedding light on the broader implications of climate crises that affect both humans and animals. Click for Full Article
"Kehi Chaina (There is Nothing)" is a poignant 2016 film that explores the life of Rama Bahadur Sunar, a 76-year-old man living in rugged terrain, struggling with the lack of basic necessities like water. The film portrays his relentless journey to secure water for his daily needs, shedding light on his determination and resilience. Click for Full Article
"BLOCKADE" is a powerful documentary film from 2016 that offers a close-up view of the impact of a political blockade on Nepal. Directed by Shyam Karki, it portrays the resilience and challenges faced by the people of Kathmandu as they navigate a prolonged shortage of essential supplies during the blockade. Click for Full Article
"IN MY TOWN" is a 3-minute evocative collage of images, poetry, and music by the talented 14-year-old Sangay Linkins. The film offers an intimate look at the city where Sangay grew up, capturing its essence through his unique perspective and artistic expression. Click for Full Article
"Travel is Plus Plus" is a 2018 film that celebrates the innate human curiosity and the spirit of exploration through captivating visuals and storytelling. It reminds us of the joy of travel, capturing the essence of the journey, rather than just the destination. Click for Full Article
"U ayo ayo" is a short film from 2015 that delves into the experiences of people in Nepal following the devastating earthquake of April 25th. It provides a poignant and personal glimpse into their lives as they cope with the aftermath of the disaster. Click for Full Article
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